Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Assignment for Wednesday, Nov. 16, Thursday, Nov. 17, and Friday, Nov. 18

For Wednesday, come to class with some work completed on Griftopia project. Also, come to class with a potential research question for the research prospectus.

For Thursday and Friday, make significant progress on the Griftopia project. Be prepared to work on it in class. If you are writing an essay, the topics are posted to the right.

Also, bring your research question to class. You will receive a handout that explains the research prospectus as well as sample research prospectuses from the last two years.

Lastly, bring They Say / I Say. You will find it helpful for developing your research prospectus.

Assignment for Wednesday, Nov. 16, Thursday, Nov. 17, and Friday, Nov. 18

For Wednesday, come to class with some work completed on Griftopia project. Also, come to class with a potential research question for the research prospectus.

For Thursday and Friday, make significant progress on the Griftopia project. Be prepared to work on it in class.

Also, bring your research question to class. You will receive a handout that explains the research prospectus as well as sample research prospectuses from the last two years.

Lastly, bring They Say / I Say. You will find it helpful for developing your research prospectus.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Assignment for Monday, Nov. 14, Tuesday, Nov. 15, and Wednesday, Nov. 16

For Monday, develop and idea for a project, presentation, or paper about Matt Taibbi's Griftopia. The goal of this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of the causes and ramifications of the 2008 financial crisis.

For Tuesday and Wednesday, come to class with some work completed on this project. Also, come to class with a potential research question for the research prospectus. 

Friday, November 4, 2016

UPDATE: Assignment for Monday, Nov. 7, Tuesday, Nov. 8, and Wednesday, Nov. 9

For Monday, read Griftopia, pp. 277-296.

UPDATE For Tuesday and Wednesday, read this article about income inequality by Paul Krugman. The article refers to a very important book, Capital, by Thomas Piketty. You will get an excerpt from Capital in class. Also, look at this explanation of income inequality. Then, scroll through the next "cards," up to card 12. You don't have to read it too closely, but pay attention to the charts and graphs. UPDATE: Bring They Say / I Say to class.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Assignment for Thursday, Nov. 3

Read Griftopia, pp. 241-264. Here is the prompt you will write about in class. Feel free to respond to it at home, if you prefer; you will still have time to write it in class. If you do this at home, you shouldn't spend more than twenty minutes working on it: Do you agree with Taibbi that bankers and others responsible for the financial collapse should be imprisoned?