Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Assignment for Friday, November 8

Read Joseph Stiglitz's op-ed piece, "Equal Opportunity, Our National Myth," and Timothy Noah's "The United States of Inequality."

In class, we will finish viewing The Flaw, a film about the 2008 financial collapse. If you missed class, you can learn about the film here.

I will not be in class. You will finish viewing The Flaw, and then you will have time to finalize the topic for your final project. See the handout to the right.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Assignment for Wednesday, November 6

Finish revising the in-class essay. Keep in mind the following as you go through your in-class essay:
1. Does the first paragraph answer the question or address the prompt?
2. Identify examples from the book. Find the page number to cite the example.
3. Identify the main point in each paragraph. Do you have evidence from the book to support it? If the support is paraphrased, cite the page number. If there is no support, find a quote or paraphrase a relevant section of the book (and cite it).
4. Read each sentence carefully for clarity. If a sentence is not clear, make it clear.
5. Look over the essay's organization. Is it organized logically? If not, make it so. Move around sentences, paragraphs, and sections to improve the essay's logical development.