Monday, April 11, 2016

Assignment for Wednesday, April 13

Finish preparing your presentation. Bring to class both the text and the images you will use in the presentation; after the one scheduled presentation in class, you will practice your presentation in small groups and get feedback on it from your peers.

Click here for the form that will be used to evaluate your presentation. (It is also posted to the right.) Use it and the presentation guidelines (also posted to the right) to prepare your presentation.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Assignment for Monday, April 11

Bring to class a version of your presentation. This version should include your main point, your three take-aways, and an attempt at concluding your presentation in an inspiring way. You should also bring to class the images you have selected so you can begin to make sure that they suit the points you  are making. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Assignment for Thursday, April 7

Work on your presentation. Review the guidelines for the presentation that are posted to the right. Go over your paper and think about your project (if you performed community service, worked at an internship, conducted an experiment, or completed a visual or performing arts STP). Make sure that you follow the guidelines as you prepare the presentation. You might find that you'll need to adjust the images you've selected as you clarify your main point, three takeaways, and conclusion.

You will have time during class to work on the presentation, but don't rely just on class time to do so.